Saturday, November 22, 2008

Unidentified White Bird of Prey

Someone submitted this photo of a beautiful white bird, unidentified thusfar.
Anyone have any ideas as to what it might be?


Kevin said...

view more info at:

ajourni said...

How about a snowy owl?

glenn said...

Hey Bird Watchers,
I believe the white unidentified white bird is a Albino American Bald Eagle. Although the wing span mentioned is about 5 feet the fuller body and head makes me think it is an Eagle.

Unknown said...

it might be some sort of albino hawk or something like that. I have recently seen albino doves so it might be possible.

John said...

I live in Washington County, Avella PA I just saw the same bird, I have been trying to get a picture of it. The reason I was on your site was to see if anyone knew what it was.

annie said...

i live in allegheny county, near the airport, and saw the exact same kind of bird. been trying to identify it.

Marc F. said...

I think it may actually be a gyrfalcon. They are generally quite white with a similar beak.

dom said...

me and several other birders found this article interesting... we can tell it is not a snowy owl... i beleive it is a really rare species of albino american eagle. though the only thing that makes me wonder is the bald and golden eagle have a wingspan of 8-7ft.... so a more likely is a albino red-tailed hawk or a albino northern harrier. Any questions may go to

dom said...

Take a look at the comment me and my birding group posted above we are 100% certain we and some others who posted a comment are correct

Marc F. said...

The bill is too small, it's more likely a leucistic red tailed hawk, here is a link to another photo for reference.

Unknown said...

Everyone is saying "it is an albino this albino that" but albino birds, and mammals must have RED EYES! its eyes are not red, making it NOT an albino.

Unknown said...

Everyone is saying "it is an albino this albino that" but albino birds, and mammals must have RED EYES! its eyes are not red, making it NOT an albino.